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Performance Management 180: maximizing the return on your human capital investments

Pre-approved for 4 or 7 Specified Business Management and Strategy Credits


When you ask the typical HR professional about performance management you will likely hear about the merits of their organization's annual performance review form.   The conversation usually evolves into a grand debate about bell curves, forced ranking, and equitable rating methods. Although we have great intentions -the problem is-empirical research repeatedly tells us that traditional performance management systems actually have a negative impact on business results.


In fact, most of our traditional management systems , like the organizational chart, job

descriptions, and progressive discipline, originated in the early 1900's. These tools  are

simply not effective in the modern workplace.


As a strategic HR professional, it is your responsibility to implement a performance

management system that actually drives results. This seminar will provide you with

progressive and practical tools that can be easily implemented in your workplace.

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